The Sol Patch Welcomes You To Our Blog!

Black Owned Business Clean Energy Eco-Friendly Renewable Energy Solar Solar Distributer Solar Supplier Woman Owned Business

Thanks for checking out our website and welcome to our blog! The Sol Patch strives to be your go-to resource for renewable and sustainable energy products. We offer tier 1 solar panels and equipment, power inverters, electric golf carts, electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, solar refrigerators and hot water heaters, solar air conditioners, solar streetlights, LED lights, LED street lighting and more.

The company is run by CEO Monique Bright Rodgers and I’m her husband Richard. (She’s definitely the brains of the operation!) We’ve been in business since 2012 with our primary market in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recently we’ve expanded to doing more work in the U.S. and we plan to do projects in Africa soon!

We plan to discuss a variety of subjects related to renewable and sustainable energy products in order to promote a general eco-friendly lifestyle. We’re working hard to make sure that we stay on the cutting edge with the latest industry news and technology to offer our clients and distributer partners. Global renewable energy capacity has grown fivefold since 2010. According to the IEA, renewables experienced growth worldwide in 2020, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The fact that you have read this far shows that you see the value in using smarter products that are functional and efficient, that also enhance quality of life without negatively affecting the environment. After all, we only have one planet, and we need to do all we can to protect it. Global warming is real. Excessive carbon emission is a contributing factor. We’re trying to do our part to help.

For all industry professionals, because of our strategic location in Panama we have early access to the latest product and technology trends available. Because we work directly with manufacturers, we can bring well established globally recognized brands to new markets. And you will find our pricing to be extremely competitive. We have residential and commercial solutions for both large and small enterprises. Email us at for more information.


Are you looking to break into the solar industry? We want to be your distributor! We can offer product procurement and training materials needed to help you succeed. We’re currently seeking new distributor partners to work with worldwide. Just contact us directly to get started.

Your feedback is appreciated and encouraged. My inbox is always open. Don’t forget to get on our mailing list to catch our latest posts.

We’re #doinganewthing over here! We hope you join us! Thanks.


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