Our focus is and will always be providing new technology, pricing that allows our Distributor Partners and their employees to thrive and to create new opportunities so that more and more people will decide to sell, install and utilize solar all around the world, but especially in under served communities. 

Our Distributor Partners receive specialized procurement services and are provided with new merchandise and with training when desired, often before it reaches the general marketplace. We don't stick with the same brands that you see everywhere else. Our focus is always on QUALITY. Providing the highest QUALITY is something that we will never compromise on. After that we are all about the NEW THING, the NEXT THING! You won't find any old technology here. The world is moving and growing at a fast pace. We are directly connected with our product manufacturers and Tier-1 brands to ensure that we are offering new products that can save and change the world. 

Our extensive list of solar products and brands are available to you at Distributor Partner pricing. Custom orders, and procurement for projects are available and welcomed. We offer Private Labeling, customization, and competitive prices with a commitment to customer satisfaction from selection, to ordering, delivery and beyond.

Partner with Us, Just Like

Morefya Solar and TRonergy has!


Morefya Solar Logo - Distributor Partner of The Sol Patch



TRONERGY - Distributor Partner of The Sol Patch
Lighting Distributor Partners


For more information, please fill out the form below. One of our account representatives will contact you ASAP.

#TheSolPatch #DoingANewThing